NSW Digital Twin Map Operation

There isn't one! All user interface features of the NSW Digital Twin Map are either obvious from the interface or are described in this Help.

NSW Digital Twin Map has been carefully designed to be as easy to use as possible. Our user experience design team runs regular usability testing sessions, the results of which are then assessed for inclusion in releases.

It is best to use a browser with WebGL support such as the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 11. It will also work in some older browsers (for example IE9 and IE10) but the map rendering will be limited. It may not support 3D rendering of maps, so the 3D Terrain option may show the same result as 3D Smooth.

There are three types of spatial data which are read from the data sources and displayed by the NSW Digital Twin Map over its base maps:

  • Point Click on any point to see more information about that particular point feature.
  • Line Click on any line to see more information about that particular line feature.
  • Region Click within any region to see more information about that region.

Some older computers do not have graphics cards which fully support WebGL and some older browsers do not make use of this support even if it is present. The NSW Digital Twin Map requires this support in order to support 3D Terrain Perspective View.

Try upgrading your browser to the latest version. If that still does not work, you may need to consider working on a computer that has more recent graphics support.

The NSW Digital Twin Map automatically changes the content of the map according to the scale at which you're viewing. If you zoom in it shows more detail. At some points in the zoom range, the map display switches from high altitude photography to lower altitude photography. These sets of the photography are not colour matched to each other, so may have quite different hues. The actual photography scales used, the date of that photography and its lighting conditions will vary across Australia.

When you are using Perspective View the part of the terrain nearest to the "camera position" is naturally shown at a larger scale than the more distant parts. Depending on your zoom level, this can result in the foreground being displayed with a different set of photography from the distant parts of your Perspective View.

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